Ellen Lucy, better known as E.L. Light will be one of the main speakers of the event. E.L. Light is a multidimensional being, international speaker, spiritual guide, artist, designer, writer and channeler of the language of crystalline light.
E.L. Light began to channel what she describes as a higher dimensional consciousness of herself called E in 2013 when she was 19, after an awakening from Kundalini, where first the higher dimensional consciousness of E took the form of angels and guided her to Heal from depression and a very self destructive life path. In 2018, after 5 years of self healing and a great spiritual transformation, EL Light began to channel and help the healing of others with the Light of E throughout world.E is the unified consciousness of the multidimensional guides that EL Light channels, uniting the wisdom of the New Earth and illuminating the path of the ascension of humanity towards the crystalline consciousness. The New Earth is the Kingdom of Light of crystalline dimension , this is also known as the Future Earth, however, it is in a non-linear density beyond the reality of 3D / 4D temporal space, where everything is now, where it does not exist time. This is known as 5D, however, E prefers to describe this as a multidimensional reality, since it is multidimensional in nature.
(not limited to one dimension).
E.L. Light has an academic background in graphic design and photography, where he graduated in 2016 with a degree from Kingston University of the Arts in West London, UK. He was born on January 8, 1994 in a county called Kent in the southeast from England. Before her spiritual awakening in 2019, she lived what she describes as a very conventional 'linear' life, which was anything but spiritual. Initially, an enthusiastic broker who grew up, came to a dark moment in her teens that led her to self-destruction through excessive party and self-avoidance, where on the edge of suicide, the light of E shone and began to wake up the kingdoms that were beyond the initial perception of much of society. As a result of experiencing such polarity from darkness to light, it became what she describes as her duty to humanity to do everything in her power to awaken, empower and expand collective consciousness.
His main intention in the material he shares is to help the individual to awaken the inner teacher: an aligned state of being that he describes is called being in his center, which is a consistent state of living aligned with the consciousness of the source in the core of everything. A state of being of totality in the consciousness of love and unity, which she refers to as being called crystalline consciousness, also known as Christ consciousness, also known as Krishna consciousness, which E says is the frequency aligned, harmonic
and crystalline of the New Earth.
"You are a teacher ... It's just a matter of how much you are allowing yourself TO BE
the teacher within you. "
"You are enlightened ... It's just a matter of how much you are allowing yourself to realize
of that state of enlightenment. "
"I teach the way of Mastery, which is the way of becoming complete again,
to return to the source, to what you already are, is just a matter of remembering. "