These General Conditions establish the regulation of use and apply to all transactions and operations carried out in www.we-arelove.com (onwards www.we-arelove.com , Website or Web), domains belonging to We are Love SL (hereinafter We are Love). The conditions will be available in Spanish for any consultation, reading of the same, storage or printing.
All the detailed information about the procedure and the different options that the user can make on the Website will be provided below. However, the different procedures and transactions may be carried out in the Spanish language of Spain. For all those possible doubts or related questions that may arise with personal data and their management, do not hesitate to consult our Privacy Policy.
We-arelove.com informs the users of this website that at any time it may modify its Terms of Use and legal conditions without prior notice.
In the event of any change, the user or organizer will be notified for review and approval or disapproval. In case of disapproval, the contract can be terminated immediately. The notification will be made through email. The access and use of the platform by the user implies that they accept each and every one of the General Conditions published by We are Love at the time of said access and use.
1. What is We are Love and what parts are involved?
www.we-arelove.com is an online platform for buying tickets and promoting the congress registered on the web. In which they intervene:
- We are Love SL, as owner of the domains www.we-arelove.com , which is a limited company legally constituted in Spain, with CIF: B67053173, with registered office at Calle Carrer d Ortigosa 14 Planta 2 Puerta 1, Office 4 Cp 08003 Barcelona - Spain , and registered in the Mercantile Registry of Barcelona, Volume 46044, Folio 215, Page 507695 Registration 1.
- The user, spontaneous visitor, buyer, acquirer, attendee... (hereinafter the user) and the organizer of the event, be it a company, freelancer or organizer, Public Relations, Reseller or white label, establish that they have sufficient legal capacity to contract, and in the same way they acknowledge having read and understood at all times the General Conditions and Conditions of Use of this Website.
The user, organizer or any of the parties mentioned in the previous paragraph declares to be responsible at all times for providing their data as correct for the different accesses and transactions that must be carried out at all times, and must pay special attention when entering data. banking and personal. The only information that We are Love SL will keep will be the bank details for the sole purpose of carrying out the accounting and settlement of the tickets actually sold in the case of the organizers.
In the same way, We are Love, complying with its Privacy Policy and current legislation for this purpose, undertakes to use the data included in its file with the utmost confidentiality and allocating its use for its purpose, as well as its custody to preserve them from any alteration, loss or unauthorized access. We are Love uses the most sophisticated and up-to-date techniques to guarantee its security systems.
2. Website Content
Content we-arelove.com It contains a platform for promoting the congress and selling tickets.
The user or organizer undertakes to make diligent use of the Web in accordance with the Law, good customs and the General Conditions established in this text, respecting at all times the rest of the users, organizers and other parties mentioned and recognized for that purpose. . Consequently, they commit to:
- Do not communicate your data to unauthorized third parties, and must communicate in any case, the possible intrusion of an unauthorized user to said information.
- Use this Website for the purpose determined, eliminating any possibility of using it for different or illegal purposes.
- Preserve each and every one of the data of third parties and use them solely and exclusively for the exclusive purpose for which they are intended, committing not to disclose them at any time and eliminate them once they have been used for said purpose.
- Not carry out fraudulent activities (including the inclusion and propagation of viruses), which may harm its members or third parties, and which in any case may lead to the slowdown or abnormal use of the platform.
- The non-use, reproduction or exploitation of the Website for commercial purposes.
- Not to use the Website for racist, xenophobic, pornographic or any other purpose that may violate Human Rights.
Whoever fails to comply with any of the above precepts will be solely responsible for their actions for all the possible damages that may be caused, being able to sanction them for the possible crimes that they could incur, typified in the current legislation.
We are Love reserves the right to suspend any allegedly illegal act as well as to eliminate any profile that may breach or violate these General Conditions and Conditions of Use of the Web.
3. Conditions and Use of the Service
www.we-arelove.com As a platform dedicated to the sale of tickets and promotion of events, it facilitates access to certain contents of the Web that require online registration for its perfect use, assuming that the data entered in the different registration forms are true and lawful.
For the purchase or acquisition of tickets, the purchasing user must provide:
- Name
- Surnames
- Valid email address in order to send you your proof of purchase
- National Identity Document (DNI)
- Postal code of the place of residence
In addition, certain data of the "attendees" must be provided, considered as those who will attend a certain event or show, companions of the acquiring user or purchaser of the tickets, where all of the above will be included, with the exception of the DNI and Postal Code. After having these data, we-arelove.com will send an email confirming their data to each of the attendees, which will serve as proof of entry at the time of the event at the venue. In addition, We are love has enabled a "Mobile phone" field, for one or certain events in which it is necessary and essential to complete specific information about it, and that for organizational and admission policy reasons, require greater access control and assistance. at the time of its celebration.
We-arelove.com has a system for changing ownership of tickets, for those cases in which, once purchased, the owner of the tickets, in the event that they cannot finally attend, can verify and change ownership for subsequent verification at access to the enclosure. Ownership changes will be valid 24 hours before the event. To do this, a new valid email address must be provided, where we-arelove.com will send the entry to the new client and make the payment of the management fees indicated at each moment before making the payment.
The change of ownership of the ticket implies a new locator number, so the previous ticket and locator will be automatically cancelled.
We-arelove.com It also makes certain services available to the organizer, so you will have to provide, depending on the type of user, different data such as username, administrative email, etc.
4. Responsibility for the use of the Website
The user or organizer is solely responsible for access to the websites, as well as for the data and content that they transmit, reproduce or use made of them. In addition, you are obliged to make reasonable use of the services or contents, under the principle of good faith and with respect for current legislation, morality, public order, good customs, and the rights of third parties or your own. company, all according to the possibilities and purposes for which they are conceived.
In addition, you will credit your purchase with the presentation of your ID or passport at the entrance of the venue or room. It assumes that, if the data entered is wrong, your ticket may be canceled in a certain show or event if the organization does not consider its identity sufficiently proven and linked with that of the data that appears in our store.
Likewise, it is reported that any use or falsification of another's identity is prohibited. So at the moment that we-arelove.com has indications that this has occurred, it will proceed to suspend the service and access to the Web.
We-are-love.com informs that the illegal resale or attempted resale of a ticket is prohibited. We are love reserves the right that, in the event of detecting a resale or fraud of the tickets purchased on this channel, they will be canceled and returned to the buyer without any condition.
It is expressly prohibited to use the Website for commercial or advertising purposes, or as a use for sending massive or massive emails to third parties.
The user or organizer will be responsible for their possible infraction(s) and they will be the ones who bear all the expenses, including legal expenses and compensation.
Only and exclusively claims will be accepted by We are Love in the event that damage has been caused to users or organizers for having committed an infraction or breach in the basic exercise of their obligations. We are Love will not accept any type of claim on all those aspects that have to do with and are the exclusive responsibility of the organizer of the event.
5. Website Disclaimer
We-arelove.com and the rest of the official websites will try as much as possible to guarantee compliance for the correct functioning of the use and transactions carried out, ensuring at all times the computer security in navigation. However, considering the Internet, although exceptionally or in minimal circumstances, a medium that can present risks in the continuity of its service and its security, in these cases the Web and other official domains are not responsible for the introduction of viruses in their platforms from third parties or for the possible damages derived from the interruption of the service or other triggers that could be caused by the latter.
However, it does not assume responsibility, whether direct or indirect, for consequential damage or loss of profit, derived from the misuse of the services or content made by users or third parties.
Either we-arelove.com and other official domains mentioned in these conditions will be responsible for anomalies or errors belonging to content outside of them, which can be accessed through our websites.
The user exempts from all responsibility we-arelove.com and other domains to that effect for any use or misuse that may be made of them without prior consultation with an expert in the field.
To make use of and operate on the Website and other domains set forth in these Conditions of Use, it is required and will be essential to be the holder of a credit card, therefore we-arelove.com is responsible for the use of a card and access to the Web by those users who do not have the authorization or age established in current legislation for the use, ownership and possession of said bank document. Nor will it be responsible for the veracity and accuracy of the data filled in by the user, therefore not being able to verify responsibility for people who do not comply with the rules, and are minors. The age limit for access to certain shows and events will be detailed in the characteristics of the announcement of each event in question. We-arelove.com You can contact the user at any time to verify the veracity of your data of any kind, by requesting a photocopy of your ID or similar, so that if there is no response within a reasonable period of time, you can block or cancel the profile.
We-arelove.com As a website that connects the promoter or organizer with the ticket buyer, it is situated and acts as a mere media channel and intermediary of events and their publicity, for which reason it does not at any time act as a promoter or organizer of the event or show, for which reason does not participate or take responsibility for any communication between the parties (organizer / user). Nor does it participate and intervene in any organizational aspect of the events available and put up for sale, such as visibility, location, physical place of the show, acoustics, comfort, access or advertising actions, in which in the latter case the responsibility will be sole and exclusively from the advertiser.
As a distributor through direct ticket sales operators, We-arelove.com declines all responsibility regarding tickets purchased at unofficial physical points of sale. we-arelove.com is not responsible for possible price differences with other means or sales channels.
6. Price and commissions
We-arelove.com As a website that purchases tickets and promotes events, it is an onerous service in which the user or organizer can have all the information on the price of the ticket at all times. The simple information offered by the Web is totally free. The prices of the articles that are shown on the cover of we-arelove.com and other domains mentioned in these Conditions are shown accompanied by the management fees with taxes included. In the step where the desired number of tickets is finally chosen and the form with personal data, the final price is shown adding the number of tickets plus commissions, as well as in the payment gateway as in the ticket finally sent, including applicable taxes. to that effect. discounts and promotions of we-arelove.com and its other domains belonging to we-arelove.com, will be shown with taxes included, as well as the validity period of said offer and promotion.
Also, and for complete record and clarity for the user or potential purchaser, you can see what the initial price of the ticket was, crossed out (without discount or applicable promotion), also with taxes included where appropriate. The registration of the Organizer is free. The Organizer must establish the sale price of the tickets with taxes included.
For each ticket sold through the Website, we-arelove.com charges, the management fees regardless of the price of the ticket, and will be informed before the final sale with the name of Management Expenses (GDG), it will also be reflected in the purchase receipt.
7. Means and forms of Payment
For the acquisition or purchase of tickets, the Website has several means of payment, where the user, when placing the order, will freely choose to pay for their tickets by:
- Visa, Visa Electron, 4B, Mastercard cards through the secure online payment system offered by the BBVA bank we-arelove.com guarantees the security of its systems and the use of the latest techniques to preserve the security of its users. If you want to know more details in our privacy and security policy, click here.
It will be a crime of electronic fraud typified in article 248 of the Penal Code, with penalties of up to 6 years in prison, the use of electronic payment to purchase tickets in the case of:
- Provide false information about the buyer or the credit or debit card number as a means of payment.
- Impersonation or introduction of data that does not correspond to the buyer
- Usurpation of the data of the holder of third-party cards.
- Use card numbers generated by computer programs or similar algorithms.
8. Proof of your purchase
If the transaction has been carried out correctly, the user will automatically receive an email with the confirmation of the operation. For more security, and in case said mail is detected as spam, it is convenient to check its arrival as received in the “Spam” section.
The proof of the ticket(s) will be attached to the confirmation of said email in which the characteristics of the ticket(s) will appear. We advise you to check each and every one of the data included first. A locator number will also appear that will be decisive for the access to the premises. The voucher must be printed and presented at the site or physical place on the same day and at the same time of access to the event.
9. Return Policy
The impossibility of attending an event or show or the commission of an error when purchasing the ticket(s) are not reasons that allow their return.
The user of this Website may not exercise the rights of withdrawal or resolution in matters of consumption and retail.
Once the ticket has been purchased through the Web, it will not be possible to change or refund its amount, except in cases of cancellation of the event. In any unexpected circumstance, from suspension, cancellation, postponement, change of schedule, venue... as soon as the promoter informs us, and as far as possible, an email will be sent to all buyers at the email address that you provided in the purchase process in which the change and the procedures to follow will be explained.
We are love will in no case be responsible for any setback unrelated to its brokerage services, whatever the cause, although it will keep clients and promoters informed of any anomalous situation that we detect. In case of suspension of an event, We are love will be responsible for the return of the ticket, as long as We are love has not made partial settlements to the promoter.
We are love will not be responsible for the bank return costs or the commissions produced by the client's bank. In case of postponement of an event, the client will be able to choose between the refund of the amount of the tickets or the change for those of the new date.
The refund, in case of cancellation, may be requested from the organizer within a period of fifteen calendar days from the date of the public communication of the cancellation by sending an e-mail to: info@theufologyworldcongress.com
After this period there will be no right to request a refund. If the suspension is made after more than half of the show has elapsed, there will be no refund. Bad weather conditions do not give the right to return the ticket.
However, as far as possible and whenever you are aware, in order to provide the best possible service to users, we-arelove.com, before any change that occurs in an event or show, undertakes to:
- Publish it on the Web and other domains as soon as it becomes aware of them, in order to keep users duly informed.
- Send a message to the indicated email address informing about said changes.
- In the event that the Promoter decides to proceed with the refund of the amount, and provided that it is aware of it, it will inform the user about the procedure adopted by the Promoter for this purpose, which as a general rule will be from 1 to 3 months from that the aforementioned procedure is communicated, except in circumstances that prevent it. We are love will report this situation through its website with a direct link to the promoter's site.
10. Intellectual and Industrial Property
The contents displayed on the Website we-arelove.com as well as those available through the rest of its domains are owned by we-arelove.com, constituting a work in accordance and in the sense interpreted by the legislation on intellectual property, for which they are protected in compliance with international laws and conventions on the matter.
Therefore, We are love is the owner of all the intellectual property rights of the contents included in its websites: images, sounds, audios, video, software and all the texts, structure, design, trade names, trademarks, industrial drawings, programs, access etc..., as well as its licensors, without it being understood that any of these exploitation rights have been transferred to the user or organizer beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the Website.
Failure to comply with these rights may lead to the commission of serious illicit acts and civil and criminal sanctions.
In the same way, the user or organizer, if so, yields to we-arelove.com the rights of reproduction, distribution and communication on the contents that you provide/n through this Web, as well as its possible modification to adapt them to the needs of we-arelove.com and other websites mentioned in these General Conditions for this purpose, guaranteeing their legitimate ownership and belonging, as well as their disposal.
Intellectual and industrial property rights or other legal rights to that effect, for the content provided or uploaded by users or organizers on the Website will be the sole and exclusive responsibility of them.
beyond this specification we-arelove.com holds and has the exploitation rights over its contents and graphic elements. However, the trade names, trademarks or signs that appear and that may be mentioned on this Website, belong to their owners, and are protected by current legislation.
We are love will register your trademark before the competent body. Any other dispute that may arise due to logos or brands other than We are love will have to be resolved by those responsible.
The reproduction or transmission of the content of the Web and other websites is permitted for informational purposes only or for its disclosure, provided that the source is cited (Author, exact URL of the web) respecting the authorship of the same.
We are love reserves the right to limit access to its pages, to the products and/or services offered, as well as the publication of certain opinions, images or comments from its users/organizers by sending emails. .
This website may carry out all the necessary measures it deems appropriate to avoid and eliminate any content or opinion of a racist, xenophobic, sexist, discriminatory, pornographic nature, or that encourages and may induce violence or content of an illicit or harmful nature.
11. Do you want to unsubscribe?
The user or organizer can cancel their data offered in we-arelove.com or any of its websites at any time, without justification of any kind. To request cancellation, you must send an email to info@we-arelove.com indicating in the subject "UNSUBSCRIBE" and providing the email address with which you registered at the time we-arelove.com. More info in Privacy Policy and Data Protection.
This website reserves the right to consult the reasons for the cancellation itself for statistical purposes or as a solution to possible improvements in the service provided as well as functionality. The Site has the right to unsubscribe, even if it deems it convenient and with prior justification, without prior notice, that user or organizer who does not meet the legally established requirements.
12. Regulations
These General Conditions comply with all applicable Spanish regulations, recognizing the parts that are expressly accepted, specifically article 1262 in relation to Chapter IV of the Preliminary Title of the Civil Code.
13. Jurisdiction and jurisdiction
The parties submit to their choice for the resolution of conflicts that may arise and waiving any other jurisdiction, to the courts and tribunals of the user's domicile.