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Influencer Package

We Are Love influencer packages are here to elevate your online brand and presence to the next level in the way your work truly deserves, amplifying the magnitude of your message and assisting you in standing out as an authority in your field of expertise! You are born to be a star and it's time for you to shine! Our influencer packages are here to make having the impact your came to earth to easier for you, whether than be from an online makeover with our website services, to 4K HD audio visual video editing, a spiritual influencer photoshoot, to speaking international opportunities and global media exposure, you do what you do best and we take care of the rest!


we are lovve.jpg

"It is time for you to Light up the world in the way that you were born to!"
~ E.L.Light

Take a look at what we can do for your brand

Montserrat Sorli, Ufology World Congress 2023.
Linda Moulton Howe, introducción.
Teal Swan, Syncronization Workshop, Barcelona 2023.
Ajeet Concert 2022
Millonario Master Minds

Influencer packages


We offer a Variety of packages to fit your requirements. Including services from 4K HD video studio experience, audiovisual effects, to website design, spiritual influencer photoshoot, to speaking engagements and audio exposure.


Get a high quality 4K HD Audiovisual effects video edit, a speaking engagement and global media exposure. 

Audiovisual influencer package

Audiovisual online influencer package

Get a high quality 4K HD Audiovisual effects video edit, brand new website, a speaking engagement and global media exposure. 


Media Price List

Influencer Packages

Standard Video & 4K audiovisual effects + international speaking opportunity + Media exposure 4000€

4K HD Video studio experience & audiovisual effects + Photoshoot + international speaking opportunity + Media exposure 8000€

Standard Video & 4K audiovisual effects + standard website + international speaking opportunity + Media exposure 6000€

Standard Video & 4K audiovisual effects + Ecommerce wesbite + international speaking opportunity + Media exposure 6500€

4K HD Video studio experience audiovisual effects + Photoshoot + standard website +international speaking opportunity + Media exposure 10,000€

4K HD Video studio experienceaudiovisual effects + Photoshoot + Ecommerce wesbite + international speaking opportunity + Media exposure 10,500€

For special projects and enquiries contact

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